Friday, 27 April 2012

Retaining Tasks

Points To Remember
●New opportunities to delegate should always be sought.
●Interference should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
●Staff training should be given priority to ensure that effective skills are developed for future delegation plans.
●Possessive feelings about work are negative and unproductive.
●Delegation involves the loss of direct control but the retention of overall responsibility.
●Responsibility for an entire task should be given to one employee whenever possible.
Retaining Tasks

   There are some responsibilities that a leader can’t delegate. These include key areas, controlling over all performance, meeting strategic objectives, and confidential human resource matters-how people are rewarded, coached and counseled. You may also need to supervise dealing with important customers if delegating ultimate  responsibility for these contact wound endanger the relationship.

Providing Support

  An open-door policy aids effective delegation. The delegate should be able to approach the delegator at any time for advice, informstion or revision. The delegator should also be able to approach the delegate, whenever necessary, for an informal, encouraging discussion on how the task is going. If the delegator visits too often, either this is bad delegation , or the delegation is going badly. If delegates come through the door too often, they are either insecure or inadequate. If you are confident in their ability, give them a clear massage. “I am confident that you can manage.”
Checking Progress With Delegates

When discussing progress with delegates, use positive questions, such as those below,
“Is there any thing you want to bring to my notice?”
 “I see that costs are overrunning. What steps are you taking to bring them back in line?”
“We failed to meet that target. Any suggestions as to how that might have happened?”
“How do you think we can avoid making this mistake again?”   

Developing Delegates

   Look out for signs that the delegate is taking too much on his or her on shoulders, and not allowing people who work for them to show initiative and tackle their own tasks without interference. “Getting out of the way” is the key to getting best from others, and applies to the delegates too. Encourage delegates to think issues through and come up with answers to problems before bringing them to you . the most important lesson to the delegates is that of being accountable for results, with no opportunity for excuses.

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