Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Becoming A Strategist

Becoming A Strategist
11. Keep a checklist of key leadership duties and ensure that you do them.

12. Always look beyond the detail and consider the bigger picture.
      As a leader you need to focus on the wider issues that may affect your team’s effectveness, as well as the day-to-day business of getting things done. With your team, plan what you want to achieve in a given time, and break this down into attainable goals and objectives, ensuring that everyone is aware of their responsibilties. Unexpected problems may require adjustments to elements of the plan, so always leave plenty of room for revision.

Promoting Change
13. If you are resisting change, ask yourself why.

       Change is vital for the success in the future. By seeking to lead change, you are helping your organisation to remain compatative and grow, and creating opportunities for individuals to enrich their careers and persional levels. Dare to be different-if everyone in your industry is stuck in the pattern, search for changes that will be welcomed by customers and that will enable you to stand out. Encourage staff to generate ideas for change,and evolve your team in the planning and implimentation of change programmes.

Focusing On People

        The effective management of others is paramount yo success. As a leader you must be, a people person who has the best interests of staff,as well as the organisation,at heart. Seek to develop a climate of openness in which people are not afraide to express their openions and share their ideas with you. Constantly encourage them to adopt the values and behaviour  that help the team and the organisation to reach its goals. Above all, ensure that your people get training they need to achieve their maximum potential.

Has indepth understanding of his/herfield.
Strive for the best possible perfomance, and increase your knowledge in specific field.
Use you’re your experts to improve technical perfomance and technological strength in key areas.
Ensure the smooth running of operations.
Cut down on paperwork, and devise progressive systems to increase efficiency.
Set rules,systems, boundaries, and values inorder to ensure effective control.
People Person:
Makes staff and their training a top priority.
Believe and avct on the principle that success follows from the effective management of others.
Seek to develop a climate of openness, and work with, and for, everybody equally.
Things long term and looks to the future.
Always ensure thatyou plan ahead,devising strategies and goals for  future success.
Cocentrate systamatically on where the organization need to go and how it will get there
Change Agent:
Using change as the key to progress and advancement..
Be adventurous, and endeavour to focus on enterprise and intiative rather than control.
Seek to lead change, and actively encourage the generation of new ideas in others.

Using Diffferent Styles

           There are many leadership styles, and to be trully effective in any given situation, you should not only be aware of them all, but be able to use elements of each simultaneously. For example, while managing and developing people, you still need to keep your eye on the strategic future at all times. If you are implementing a major change programme, do not neglet your adminstrative duties or you run risk of  being unable to implement the changes effectively.
14. the greater you expertise,the more authority you will have.

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