Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Developing Strength

Developing Strengths

    All the attributes that you willl require as a leader can be developed, even drive and energy. Self-confidence and selfdetermination, combained with an ability to manage people and money, will make you a strong leader able to attain your targets.

Setting High Goals

    You can’t hope to achieve without the selfconfidence  to take risks, which should be carefully calculated, on paper, to ensure that they are acceptable. This will enhance your ability to form high but realistic and achievable goals. Evaluation on paper helps put you in control of your own destiny, and will aid long -term vision  of your own future and that of the business.

Eliminating Weaknesses

      Facing up to your own mistakes and weaknesses is the first step towards eliminating them and raising your leadership ability. You may need help from a mentor,as well as feedback from your people. List aspects of your people management that are unsatisfactory, and work out  how to improve them. Ultimate success means getting othet to work with you and for your productively.

Mastering Figures

       Some leaders are uncomfortable with money. If this applies to you, make sure you take a course. No sensible employer will refuse to pay for this education. There is no substitute, though, for sitting down and working out the figures of a real business, and seeing in real life how reality is reflacted and portrayed by the nos.


Drive And Energy:
The ability to put maximum mental and physical effort behind reaching objectives and to keep going until the aims are achieved.
●Keep physical fit. Join a gym or take up a competitive sport.
●Constantly work through lists of tasks
And ensure their compleation.
A belief in your ability to carry out self-appointed and other  tasks to your satisfaction and that of colleagues.
●Learn to calculate and accept moderate risks.
●Review your work at frequent intervals,comparing plans with outcomes.
Managing People:
Understanding how to get the best from your staff, and encouraging them to use their initiative to achieve better results.
●Ask regularly for feedback from your superiors, peers, and subordinates.
●Learn to look at situations through other people’s eye.
Knowing how to set targets that are high enough to stimulate exceptional effort, but are still in acievement range.
●‘Benchmark’ organisation in your own and other industries to see where and what improvement can be made.
●List your goal and reassessing them.
The belief your destiny and that of the business are in your hands, noy subject to others or outside forces.
●From long-range aims for youself and the organisation.
●Put your aim down on paper, complete with plans for implementation.
The ability to recognize and learn from mistakes and failures, while also analysing the lessons of success.
●Contect regular, honest examinations of recent decisions and actions.
●If you discover any weaknesses, draw up plans for rectifying them.

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