Sunday, 22 April 2012

Exercising Authority

Exercising Authority

       The role of a leader is to ensure that everyone understand instructions and carries them out effectively. Since it is rare for everything to go according to plan, put into place reporting systems that enable you to deal with any deviations swiftly.

Giving Instructions

       The method of giving instruction matters far less than the quality of their content. If decision has been reached in concert with the team, the leader has no need to win acceptance. But having to say “this is an order” is a sign of malfunction on one side or the other. Before you issue instructions, be absolutily clear in your mind what your requirements are. This will be reflected in your tone of voice and body language and will reinforce your message. Ask people if they have any reservations about what you have asked of them, so that problems can be cleared up at the outset.

Managing By Exception

    Leaders often spend too much time double checking everything to ensure conformation with instructions and procedures. The better approach is to manage by exception, which involve concentrating on what is going awry rather than what in not. You should not expect to hear about actions that proceeds as planed, but staff or delegates should inform you immediately if there is a serious deviation from plan. For example, if a sales executive is asked to handle key accounts, and sales targets and profit margins are being missed, he or she must report the problem to you at once.      

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